Monday, July 6, 2009

Pickle Recipes - Summer Pickles

This is a tasty half-sour that is quick and easy to make. This pickle is fermented in the sun, rather than in the dark. If you expect temperatures to rise above 80 degrees you will want to move them to a cooler place.

1 Quart of pickling cucumbers (3 to 5 inch cukes work best)
1 tablespoon of pickling salt
2 tablespoons white or red wine vinegar (substitute apple cider vinegar if you have to)
1 fread head and 1 frond of dill
2 cups of water

Clean your cucumbers. Use a knife to slit the cucumbers through lengthwise but leave the ends intact. This will help keep them from floating. Some people prefer to skewer them instead. Put the salt, vinegar and dill into a narrow-mouth quart jar. Add the cucumbers to the jar so they won't float. Leave 1 inch of headspace. Cover the cucumbers with water (or brine). Cap the jar loosly with a non-reactive lid. Place the jar outdoors in the sun or in a sunny window. You can put the jar in a dish if you are concerned about seeping brine. Bring the jar inside at night (especially if you live at high altitude where it gets very cold at night even in summer). In about 3 days you should see bubbles rising in the jar. The pickles will be ready in about 5 days, when the bubbles stop rising.

Chill them and enjoy a satisfying summer treat! Keep them refrigerated and they will keep for a few weeks. Enjoy!